Tuesday, 30 November 2021

Halfway there!

 Today is Day 50 of a 100 day challenge, and I can honestly say I haven't yet got bored of wearing the same dress every day.

I've got very fed up with taking a photo every day though, but that's me. I hate photos of my self.

I'm also taking part in the TFTR Christmas challenge. I've done it for a few years now and it's great fun.

It starts tomorrow, so I combined my introductory photo (apparently it needed tinsel) with my daily photo for the challenge. So one with an elf headband, and one with a sparkly snowflake one.

It includes the infamous squat challenge - building up to doing 300 on New Years Eve.

I've really noticed the difference in the amount of washing that gets done - there's not always enough for a full load.  The dress has been washed 3 times so far, and if I'm honest, not sure it needed it; I just wanted to know that it had been washed.  

I need to start thinking about Christmas, but after last years fiasco it's hard to get motivated.

But so far, I've peeled and prepped a couple of kilos of spuds ready to roast. Same for carrots and parsnips.

Monday, 1 November 2021


 November 1st and it's dull, dismal and in fact downright horrid here in Liverpool.  

I went out on Saturday night and wore a witches hat with my dress, but today (and the next 4 days) are working from home. Nobody is really going to see the dress, so it's really about me ringing the changes and dragging out my collection of scarves.

I don't own jumpers, and only a few cardigans; so this morning I trawled through my wardrobe to see what I had that I can use to ring the changes.

So a collection of scarves hanging on the back of the door

Some cardigans, and my beautiful silk wrap

Also worth noting, that these are hanging on my wardrobe.  It is 1950's 'utility' furniture from the post war period when there was a shortage of raw materials.  It's lasted well, as my parents bought this when they first got married in 1954.

And today’s option. I’ve had this scarf for over 20 years. And I was going to go out for a run, so I threw my dress on over my gym stuff!