How often have you said that to someone? Maybe they've split up with a partner, or suffering with a broken bone, or maybe they've lost someone special to them. I've done it myself. But do you know something? Until it happens to you, you don't realise how much time. Especially as often, for some reason, time seems to pass so slowly.
Recently, very recently, I was rushed into hospital in considerable pain, and for the best part of a week time passed really, really slowly. I wasn't allowed to eat, and had no concentration, so couldn't read, or do much except sleep. The days lasted forever. Normally, in hospital, the days are broken up by meals and visiting, but I was only drinking water, and in no mood for idle chatter.

That said, I'm glad we've got the NHS. They may fall down in lots of areas, but I couldn't fault the treatment, and heaven knows how much the various tests and drugs would have cost in a country without a Health Service.
After the initial shock had worn off, I did manage to do some cross stitch, inspired by a fellow patient, who was doing an old fashioned sampler. To be fair, she had known for six months that she was having this particular surgery, so had plenty of time to get all the materials together, but she did set my mind thinking about what I could be doing that didn't require lots of concentration, and could be done almost one handed (having a drip restricts your movement a bit)
This is the result of nearly a fortnights work, not really much to show, but will make some stocking fillers if nothing else!
My trusty little travel kit came in really handy, it's one that I take away with me, and just has some threads which will do some basics, and on this occasion, had a couple of keyrings in it, and also a kite bookmark that I'd already done.

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