I intended to update this blog as I went along, but to be perfectly honest, there was nothing to say.
I got up, showered, put the dress on, got on with my day.
The dress was a Sierra in washed navy. Here's a picture from the website. I liked it because it was quite a simple style and I wasn't sure how the more fitted ones would look on me.
For completing the challenge you get a reward from the company - if you send in your proof that you've worn the dress for 100 days. You're allowed to miss up to 5 photos though you're expected to wear the dress. I wore the dress every day, and forgot 2 photos. One was Boxing Day. I just didn't have my phone with me, but that was fine. Towards the end I did get a bit paranoid about remembering the photos, as to slip up at that stage would have meant starting to count again from the point at which I first missed a photo. And while I'd happily wear the dress, I couldn't have guaranteed remembering the photos.
There was lots of useful advice on the Facebook group -
Set a reminder on your phone - no use if you don't have your phone with you!
Take it when you first put the dress on - mostly that was straight from the shower, so not really working for me.
Use the timer to get a decent photo - my timer then takes a burst of 10 photos. I never really got the hang of it.
And so many ideas for being creative - using a button to create a different effect, wearing with a skirt over, But I was totally team basic. Put the dress on and get on with my day. I generally took the photo just before starting work - staring at myself in a Teams meeting. So lots of the photos had my lovely red background and my Anfield Rd sign.
I wore a T shirt over it on Christmas Jumper day
Nothing special, just put it on every day. Blend in. That's fine.
I've got a beautiful silk jacket - I wore that once. I've got a couple of lovely pashminas, they were worn occasionally. Generally though, I just grabbed a cardigan and a scarf (whichever was nearest to hand)
The only challenge I had was wearing it over Christmas - I didn't want to wear it all day on Christmas day. Or on nights out.
So I bought a different dress to wear while eating our meal. This dress is called Ellie - I deliberately bought a larger size because it's a bit low cut. But I love the colour. It wouldn't have been as effective as a challenge dress as I'd have struggled to find things to wear with it, but the washed navy was fine.
- but wore the Sierra all morning, including preparing the meal, I wore it with a silly elf headband and stripy tights
changed into the new dress, wore it for the obligatory 'sat round the table' photo, and then changed back into Sierra while chilling in front of the telly.
I wore it with sparkly headband for Team meetings
Thoughts at the end of the challenge.
I've got my discount code - which is in Euros - so not worth much these days - but hey ho. I'm still trying to decide what dress to get next - as some of them seem a bit short. And even though I'm not tall, and frequently wear tunics with leggings, these are more of a 'dress' so feel they need to be a proper length.
Nobody notices what you wear. Absolutely nobody. Occasionally someone commented on a scarf - generally this one
But otherwise, nobody noticed. Admittedly, I work from home, but some people see me every week, some people have been with me for 3 days from early morning until late at night, and either didn't notice, or were too polite to comment.(this is England after all)
If I was going to the gym, I put my gym stuff on, then put the dress on after my shower; if I was out for the night, I got changed , just like I normally would.
I mentioned at my sewing group that I'd been wearing the dress every week since October and only then did people look. I was still wearing the dress 3 days after the challenge, and mainly, people commented on my scarf.
There's a lot less washing to be done. The dress was washed maybe 4 or 5 times, it was hung outside to freshen it up when the weather allowed, and any food spills were cleaned straight away. So other than bedding and towels, I've struggled to get a full wash load. It's a very hard thing to get your head round, that you don't have to wash things every day. But I'd happily wear a pair of jeans more than once, so why is a wool dress any different.
On the company website there's lots of advice about deodorant - not to use any containing bicarb, all sorts of stuff. I generally ignored it. I've used a natural deodorant for years, and shower daily, so it was fine. Not sure how it will be if I got a dress with sleeves, but I'll risk it.
Will I continue to wear more natural fibres especially wool. Definitely
Will I continue to wear my Wool& dresses. Definitely.
Would I do another similar challenge? Not sure - there are some about wearing the same x many items for x many days. That's too many clothes for me at the moment!