Saturday, 11 January 2014

Random Mutterings again

I like to try and catch up on various blogs, I'm not as good as I should be, but sometimes something will catch my eye, and before I know it, I've gone off on somewhat of a tangent.

That's what happened today.  I was doing some sewing, or at least, attempting to do some sewing; but the pattern and the instructions defeated me.  So I wandered round a couple of forums and put some random words into Google. It's just amazing where you get to.....

Looking for help with my pattern, I found this link which is someone making one Christmas item per month. Which made me think of planning for next year.

I like to make presents at Christmas, not for everybody; 21 year old nephews aren't that fond of sewn or knitted items.  But sometimes I put too much pressure on myself. Who cares if its a perfect Christmas?

Doing some more reading I caught up on Jenni and in some random musings about Christmas, was exactly the same sentiment.  She'd found it a far more relaxing time without the pressure to make everything, and there was time to be more thoughtful about things.

There was also a conversation on a forum about feeling the need to photograph everything, but is it necessary to have photos? Or at least photos as illustrations.  Sometimes you just want to say something.

So,the plan is to start now!  In January. And get a stash of items that can be used throughout the year

Up to now, I've made this

..and a few of these ( but they've all been given away)

Friday, 10 January 2014

Some crafty makes over Christmas

Well, December came and went.
Christmas came and went, as did New Year, and it's back to work.
Last week I was off to Cornwall so took some felt with me, not much, but enough to work on this little guy.

I didn't have much room as the hotel room didn't have a desk, or a decent light. Looking at him now, I think he looks a bit squiffy, the result of finishing off the wine in the fridge maybe.

But I was quite busy over Christmas.
I made quite a few gifts and remembered to take a photo of them,but my a favourite  thing is the owl cushion. It's another Corinne Lapierre item, the felt is so soft.

He started as a gift, but I decided I couldn't let him go. He can't actually fly, obviously, but has now travelled a good few hundred miles with me, accompanied by the original patchowl.

They're going to have some adventures together, next week they're off to Newbury for training (if I remember to take them,as I'm not in my own car) but here they are sat in the back seat before setting off for Derby.